FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download the app?

You can download the app at the Apple App Store or Google Play here.

How do I use the app?

It's as simple as:

  1. Install the free app
  2. Download a SOUNDWALK
  3. Put on your headphones
  4. Press ‘start’
  5. Explore

For more detailed instructions, watch the video "How to use the Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK app" at the top of this page

Is it free?


What equipment is needed to participate?

To experience Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK, all you need is a smartphone, the free app, and a pair of headphones.

What is your COVID-19 Policy?

Please observe social distancing guidelines while experiencing Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK. For current CDC guidelines on social distancing, visit the CDC’s website.

I don't live near a SOUNDWALK location - can I experience it from home/elsewhere?

No, SOUNDWALK is a site-specific experience. Please check our locations page for a full list of presentations.

Do I need to be able to walk? What if I have accessibility issues?

You do not need to be able to walk to experience Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK -- please visit your park's website for more information about accesible areas.

Can children attend?


Can I attend with a friend or a group of socially-distanced friends?

Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK was designed with social distance in mind — it is best experienced when each participant uses their own smartphone and headphones. Feel free to bring anyone you’d like, but remember to keep a safe distance between members of different households.

Will my friends and I have a similar experience? Can I return and try it again?

Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK changes based on your location, so we encourage you to find new paths and sonic “easter eggs” on repeated visits. No two visits will be exactly the same!

Where should I enter?

You can enter Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK from any location within the covered area. There is no specific or defined entrance.

What time of day can I visit Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK?

Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK is open during the park’s posted hours. For more information on individual walks, visit our locations page.

Will you be collecting my information?

We do not collect personal information, and we take your privacy seriously. You can view our privacy policy here.

Can I leave a comment about my experience? How can I spread the word?

We’d love you to share your experience! Please share images and thoughts on social media with the hashtag #reidsoundwalk. You can find us on Instagram @ellenreidsoundwalk. If you have questions or comments, you can reach us through the contct form on our website.

How long will the performance take? Is there a time limit?

You can experience Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK for as long as you’d like! The infinitely changing soundscape can be experienced for a few minutes at a time or over an entire day spent exploring. We recommend planning at least 20-30 minutes to explore and enjoy.

How long will this experience be available in my city?

Soundwalk will be available for a limited time. For more information visit our locations page.

Whom should I contact if I have a problem with the app?

If you have questions or comments, you can email us through our contact page.

Will Soundwalk be repeated in other locations?

Yes! You can find a complete list of upcoming installations on our locations page.

Is any of the music downloadable and shareable?

No, the music cannot be downloaded to share.

How can I get a message to the composer?

You can send a message to Ellen Reid via our contact page.